Friday, April 13, 2012


Well, Im done! Going to the airport in a few hours. Ill write a final blog post when I get home. For now, I cant even begin to process everything. I cant believe its been two years, I cant believe I have to say goodbye to this country that has become my home, that I may never again see the family that has taken me in and accepted me as their daughter for the past two years. Coming home means giving up a language and an entire way of life. Im so relieved to be going home, but am also scared. My identity has been as a "Peace Corps Volunteer," for the past two years. This has been such an intense experience and has become a large part of who I am. Ive made so many amazing friends and have had wonderful experiences. Ive also dealt with the daily frustration of being a young woman in a male dominated muslim country. For now, all I can think about is the food I want to eat back in America. Beyond's probably going to be really hard adjusting to life in the US. So, Im making plans, and will put them up here before ending the blog.

To kick off my last evening here, one of my good friends and I went up to the roof of the office (5 stories high with a view of the ocean) and shot the cork off of a champagne bottle and cheers'ed to two of the most amazing years of our lives. Thank you, Senegal, for everything : )

While Ive been here, Senegal has seemed like an entire world away, and has been such an intense experience. I cant wrap my mind around the fact that once I get on that 8 hours Ill be right back in the house where I spent my middle school and high school years. It feels like two separate worlds are about to collide, and Im not sure if Im ready for that. Ive missed my family so much, though, and I just cant wait to see everyone's faces waiting for me at the airport in Detroit. I remember coming home from Switzerland after a year abroad my junior year, and feeling overwhelmed with happiness and sadness at the same time. I cant even begin to imagine what this homecoming is going to be like. I can easily picture myself crying with both happiness and sadness, perhaps kissing the ground, all while shoving a cinnabon in my face. Luckily, one of my favorite people in my group of volunteers is on the same flights with me to DC and then Detroit. Alhamdoulilahi.

See you on the flip side america. Jamm Soom.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on making it through, sarah! and welcome home.
